Daily Archives: August 8, 2014

A to Z of youth superfoods

A for Avocado: It contains more potassium (helps lowers blood pressure) than bananas. It is rich in glutathione, which protects the body from toxins, helps neutralise bad fat and is an antioxidant that fights free-radical damage to cells that accompanies ageing.

B for Broccoli: It boosts the immune system and contains more calcium than any other vegetable. It also has properties that fight bone loss and cancer.

C for Carrot: Carrots lower cholesterol and their orange pigment boosts immune function. And they’re really are good for eyesight — the betacarotene in them protects eyes from diseases that occur with ageing.

D for Dark chocolate: This treat is full of antioxidants, which fight cell damage. It’s rich in vitamin B6 and tryptophan, which converts to serotonin, a chemical that helps fight depression.

E for Eggs: The complete food (after breast milk), eggs contain every amino acid the body needs. They’re a rich source of lutein, which protects against macular eye degeneration.

F for Fish: Omega 3 oils found in salmon, tuna, sardines and herrings have blood-thinning properties that protect arteries, lower BP, and may slow damage to your DNA.

G for Garlic: It maintains blood circulation and oxygenated blood helps keen skin, hair and nails strong and healthy.

H for Honey: Organic coldpressed honey (no more than ½ tsp a day) has a healing effect. Heating it robs it of essential vitamins, so don’t put it in hot drinks or cook with it.

I for Iceberg Lettuce: Iceberg lettuce fights harmful free radicals and boosts the immune system because it contains manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.

J for Japanese Green Tea: Japanese green tea is full of antiageing antioxidants and contains methylxanthines that boost metabolism, help burn fat, and lowers cholesterol.

K for Kombucha Tea: Fermented and packed with antioxidants, just one cup a day is an inexpensive way of taking all the antioxidants you need to age well.

L for Legume: Sprouted grains, millet, buckwheat, barley and lentils all contain saponin, which can slow the growth of tumours. They are also a good source of protein.

M for Mackerel: Mackerel (bangda) is an inexpensive oily fish high in essential oils, vitamins, minerals and rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

N for Nuts: The skin of nuts is full of antiageing flavonoids. And all nuts are full of protein, fibre, essential fats, vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which improves recall.

O for Onion: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral, onions are full of digestive enzymes that detoxify and boost the immune system. Red onions are by far the best.

P for Parsley: A great inner cleanser, parsley is full of vitamins C, A and some B, as well as iron, calcium and potassium. It’s also a natural diuretic.

Q for Quinoa: This energy-sustaining food that contains all eight essential amino acids; rich in calcium and iron.

R for Red Fruits: Red fruit and veg like raspberries, strawberries, red peppers, red cabbage and red onions are preferable to green varieties as they have powerful antioxidants that can fight heart disease and prostate cancer, minimise stroke risk and degeneration of the eyes.

S for Spinach: Full of antioxidants spinach can help deter stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure. It is among the top 10 super-foods because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, strong anti-ageing compounds.

T for Tomato: This contains quercetin and the antioxidant lycopene, which is proven to be a super-efficient, freeradical scavenger and preserves mental and physical functions in elderly people.

U for Uncooked Vegetables: Cooking your vegetables can destroy many nutrients. Steaming or boiling in less water preserves nutrients. Eat raw veg as often as you can, and lightly cook at other times.

V for Veggies: Go for deep green, richly red or bright orange and yellow to get the maximum antioxidants and vitamins. They are all high in water content. When you eat water-based food as opposed to drinking water, your body keeps it for longer.

W for Walnuts: A great source of copper, walnuts stop hair turning grey and help it retain its natural colour longer.

X for Xylitol: The natural zero-calorie sweetener around, xylitol doesn’t have the risk factors like artificial sweeteners, and helps to re-mineralise teeth.

Y for Yellow Fruits and Vegetables: Grapefruits, melons, pineapple and lemons have high antioxidant content, helping detoxify the body.

Z for Zucchini: Use zucchini in pasta as a base so you avoid the starchy pasta carbs that cause inflammation and excess weight because of the high sugar content.

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Posted by on August 8, 2014 in Uncategorized


Top 10 fat-releasing foods


You must have heard that calcium helps to strengthen bones and teeth, but you will be amazed to hear that calcium also helps to control hunger pangs. Consumption of dairy products and other calcium rich products have low fat mass in their body and have more control over appetite. Hence, consume more of calcium rich products, if you want to shift your body to a fat burning mode.


Besides keeping the doctor visits away, consumption of apple everyday also assists in reducing fat cells in the body. The skin of the apple possesses great magical properties towards fulfilling your goal of weight reduction. The presence of pectin limits the absorption of fat by the cells and also releases fat deposits through its water binding property.


Walnuts possess a healthy dose of omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid and mono-unsaturated fats. The presence of mono-unsaturated fat helps to burn a large amount of fat and boosts the metabolism at the same time. Just a handful of walnuts are needed to reduce weight in a healthy way. It is also one of the healthiest nuts available.


Beans are low-fat, low glycemic index and high – fiber and protein. This is the best food for protein intake for vegetarians. Besides, it is the best fat burning food as it provides great a metabolic environment for releasing and metabolizing fatty acids.


Ginger possesses many magical properties. It helps to relieve digestive problems, reduces inflammation, increases blood flow and aids muscle recovery. If you are on a weight loss program, include ginger in your diet as it helps to boost calories and fats.


Include oatmeal in the morning after a workout or after a normal morning walk. Oatmeal is a slow-digesting carb which helps to keep blood sugar and insulin level at its minimum whilst fastening the fat burning process. Due to its slow-digesting carb property it is a must have food for every individual who wants to reduce some pounds.

Green tea

The presence of anti-oxidants EGCG creates a suitable environment for metabolism in healthy people. Besides, it also possesses anti cancer and cholesterol maintenance properties.

Hot peppers

Consuming hot peppers will help to speed up your metabolism by burning fat and calories at a faster rate, albeit for a short duration after meals. The presence of capsaicin helps to provide short-term stimulus to your body by releasing stress hormones. This process helps to boost your metabolism and hence burns calories and fats.


Though it’s not a food, drinking enough water is essential – says Priya. This is the most important element needed by your body. If you don’t drink much water, within minutes you will feel dehydrated. At times we also mistake thirst pangs for hunger pangs and end up eating instead of drinking. Hence, it is essential to drink adequate amounts of water as it is helpful for fat loss.


Eggs are one of the best fat burning foods available. The yolk present inside is very essential to burn fat and calories. Presence of dietary cholesterol has very little effect on blood cholesterol levels. Besides, eggs are packed with essential fatty acids and protein, which definitely makes it a great combination for fat burning.

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Posted by on August 8, 2014 in Uncategorized


Sexual health: Foods for a longer erection

Watermelons, papayas and bananas (rich in potassium) increase blood flow by dilating arterioles (small blood vessels) and thus help in improving an erection.

Nuts, milk and cheese contain zinc, which is good for the male sex hormone testosterone, which in turn is required for an erection.

Also, garlic and onion contain allicin, which helps increase blood flow.

Similarly, dark chocolates contain flavanoids which increase blood flow.

Cherries have been found effective in promoting health by scavenging action against free radicals.

Walnuts which are rich in omega 6 fatty acids and arginine help in the production of nitric oxide, thus causing relaxation of arterioles and increasing the blood flow.

One must note that in some cases, diabetes leads to erectile dysfunction. Therefore, for diabetics, it is important to have control over sugar levels and maintain a healthy diet.

Also, patients who suffer from hypertension face erection problems and should try a low salt diet.

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Posted by on August 8, 2014 in Uncategorized


6 home remedies to heal cuts

Turmeric powder: With its high antiseptic properties, dabbing a generous amount of turmeric powder on a fresh cut will help stop the oozing of blood and also prevent infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar: With its anti-itching properties, Apple Cider Vinegar is a good option to heal wounds.

Sugar: The excessive intake of sugar may be harmful to your body but the same granulated sugar can actually work wonders on your wound. It absorbs the water present in the wound. Sprinkle it on the affected area, but make sure you clean the wound in the next 15 minutes.

Honey: Honey acts as an antibacterial agent on superficial cuts and wounds. It helps clean the wound, prevent further infection as well as reduce the swelling. According to various studies, burns treated with honey healed, on average, in 11 days, which was four days earlier than burns treated without it.

Aloe vera gel: Easily available at chemists, apply this gel directly on the wound. If there is a plant near by, remove the thorns and cut the leaf vertically in half. Gently rub in the gooey part on the wound.

Tea bags: As a mild astringent, tea bags help heal cuts, bites and sty. Applying it on the wound also helps to stop the blood flow.

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Posted by on August 8, 2014 in Uncategorized


Benefits of Hugging

1. The nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety. This helps with open and honest communication.

2. Hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger. Holding a hug for an extended time lifts one’s serotonin levels, elevating mood leading to happiness.

3. Hugging boosts self-esteem. Everybody wants to be loved and treated special. The associations of self-worth from our early years are still embedded in our nervous system as adults. The hugs and cuddle we received from our near and dear ones while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self love.

4. Hugging relaxes muscles. Hugs release tension in the body. Hugs can take away pain; they soothe aches by increasing circulation into the soft tissues.

5. Hugs balance out the nervous system.

6. Hugs teach us how to give and receive. There is equal value in receiving and being receptive to warmth, as to giving and sharing. Hugs educate us how love flows both ways.

7. Hugs are like meditation and laughter. They teach us to let go and be present in the moment. They encourage us to flow with the energy of life. Hugs get you out of your circular thinking patterns and connect you with your heart and your feelings and your breath.

8. The energy exchange between the people hugging is an investment in the relationship. It encourages empathy and understanding. 

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Posted by on August 8, 2014 in Uncategorized